The epistemological argument of this book is that one
cannot confuse (or mix) the taxonomic question (classification) with
the evolutionary one. Because specialists in this discipline all
assert that a systematic classification can be only evolutionary, and
because of biology’s current predominance, there is a tendency to
forget that there are scientific classifications which are independent
of any evolutionary consideration: in physics, for instance, the old
assigning of a body to one of three states of matter or, in mineralogy,
the classification of minerals. Every attempt to formulate an
evolution /evolutionary schema/ is based on a classification, a
taxonomy and not the reverse. In biology, the classifications of
animals and plants were achieved during the 18th century and this
allowed reflection on evolution which flourished at the end of the
19th century and into the 20th. Taxonomic thought precedes the thought
on evolution and provides the latter with arguments. And in order to
provide evolutionary thought with arguments, it has to be independent
of it. The same principle applies in the social sciences.
The classifications of societies already advanced (in
particular by Americans) are criticized for: 1) their confusion
between taxonomic reflection and evolutionary reflection; 2) the
notable absence of the principal concepts used in social anthropology
and history.
The classification proposed in this book is based on
two criteria :
- an economic criterion that recommends assigning a society to one
of three worlds, using ideas already largely put forward : 1)
Societies without wealth (wealth not allowing the acquisition of the
society’s essential goods ; 2) societies with wealth but with a form
of property (including means of production) which allows neither
ground rent nor profit of a capitalist type ; 3) societies with wealth
and a form of property allowing rent or profit ;
- a political criterion which assigns societies as: stateless
societies, those with a semi-state organization or societies with
state organization (these new and relatively complex ideas cannot be
examined here).