This book reprints almost all articles on slavery published by the
Rather than summarize each chapter of the
publication, we prefer to give a presentation of each of the major
topics dealt with.
Definition of Slavery
So as to be useful from a sociological perspective,
the term “slavery” should be reserved to describe a specific form of
dependence, and should be carefully distinguished from numerous other
types of subjection known in history (the Helots of Sparta, mediaeval
serfdom, etc…) or in ethnography (individuals pledged against debts
and all people known in English as bondmen). The material condition of
slaves can be extremely variable: together with slaves exploited for
labour, Islamic polities, the Roman Empire and African kingdoms have
employed slaves as police corps, warriors or members of the
administration. One of the most ancient uses of slaves in all
societies since the Iliad was for pleasure. Another lesser known yet
just as well attested function of the slave was to follow his master
into the grave: this is particularly well-known in Africa or amongst
Indians of the north-western coast of North America. One can safely
emphasize that neither occupation nor function, nor in fact way of
life constitute useful elements in defining slavery. Juridical status
is the only valid criterion allowing a description of what slaves of a
given society have in common, beyond differences in their material
condition. No sociological approach to slavery can dismiss a study of
the juridical status of slaves. Yet this status can vary from one
society to another. Once juridical aspects have been acknowledged, one
should go beyond them so as to establish a more general
characterization from a sociological viewpoint.
The slave in antiquity was excluded from the polity (according
to scholars working on the ancient world); the slave of African
societies was excluded from kinship, he possessed neither a name nor a
lineage. The private slave of ancient kingdoms was answerable to his
master only, and did not owe anything to the king, neither paid taxes
nor had any military obligations; he was not the ruler’s subject and
therefore did not relate to the latter; etc… In one way or another the
slave is a dependent outside one of the most fundamental social
dimensions of society: excluded from the polity and the city’s
institutions in the Classical World, outside kinship in lineage-based
societies where such an aspect plays an essential part, excluded from
any relationship with the king in monarchies, etc… This criterion of
exclusion, added to the fact that the master could make a profit by
selling the slave or physically putting him to work is enough to
distinguish him from another type of dependent (for example the serf
or the individual pledged in case of unpaid debts).
"Integration" and the Slave’s Fate
It has often been said that the slave in primitive
societies (particularly in lineage-based communities of Africa and
elsewhere) was entirely different from his counterpart in the ancient
world in that he was part of the family. His status as adopted member
or parent has also frequently been mentioned. These two ideas are the
cause of considerable confusion and themselves derive from two
fundamental misconceptions.
First of all, there is no distinction between a
kinship group (such as a lineage, a clan, a Roman gens, etc…) and a
domestic one (family unit), and the latter can include both kin
relations and others. If this distinction is not clear the notion of
“integration” means nothing at all. Two points have to made concerning
antiquity :
1)- The slave in antiquity was integrated in the
family, if one accepts the definition of a familia, whose initial
meaning was “set of slaves” but which then came to designate a group
of men, possessions and domestic animals living in the same domus
under the authority of a paterfamilias. The slave was of course not
part of a kin-related group (i.e. part of the set of agnates) and was
not admitted into the gens.
2) - The slave was therefore simultaneously included
and excluded; yet all other men (free men or citizens) were also
included within a certain group (the city/polity, the family, the
gens, etc…). Hence the slave was distinguished by his exclusion from
everything apart from the family.
The same can be said for slaves in primitive
societies, whose main characteristic was to be “without kin”, without
identity and social protection (this protection was ensured in
stateless societies by the threat of a blood feud, which could be
started only by the victim’s immediate parents, collaterals and
siblings). This did not prevent the slave from participating in
domestic tasks, from being called “child” or even “son”, but these
names were pronounced in a metaphorical sense since, literally, he was
the “son of nobody” but accepted the authority of a master called
“father” in this relationship of reciprocity. The second idea, as
mistaken as the first one, has taken root among anthropologists as a
result of a well-known and general fact observed in lineage-based
societies: sooner or later the slave will be adopted by his master,
will become a son and will have all the rights and prerogatives of the
latter. Basing themselves on this established fact scholars have built
false theoretical constructs by linking slavery and adoption, and by
making one condition similar to the other. Once adopted, the slave
looses his servile status, yet he remains a slave as long as he has
not undergone this process of adoption. In the interim (this aspect
has been underestimated by some scholars), he remains submitted to his
master’s will and can be killed by the latter. Only good and faithful
slaves will be adopted. The integration period can be quite long and
the process can only happen during the second or third generation.
Some primitive communities, moreover, never adopt their slaves: such
is the case among societies of the north-western American coast. In
any case, the fact that slaves can one day undergo adoption does not
mean absence of slavery, and this conclusion should be considered
completely absurd and groundless.
Role and Function of Slavery in primitive Societies (1) : Power
One could assume that in these societies there is no
mode of production based on slavery. Yet to only speak of “domestic”
or “patriarchal” slavery (these are, in our opinion, empty formulae)
is to undermine both the reality and function of slavery.
First of all, in these societies the slave’s
condition is synonymous with hardship. The master possesses an
arbitrary power of life and death over his slave. Moreover slavery
plays an essential role that is part and parcel of the overall
strategies typical of these societies. Ethnology has demonstrated that
slaves in lineage-based societies primarily strengthened the lineage
chief’s power, first by increasing the global number of dependants
(parents, slaves, clients, etc…), and then by multiplying the number
of kin relations (this would happen either when the offspring of a
concubine slave would be admitted inside the group or when the
faithful slave would be adopted by the lineage). This does not imply
that in primitive societies slaves did not accomplish real tasks; the
point is to re-emphasize the importance of the latter: lineage or
household chiefs and all powerful people in these primitive
communities would vie for power and direct influence over men. This
was a primary aim, as important, if not more, as the acquisition of
wealth. The slave is the best dependent able to serve a man with the
will to dominate, because he possesses no rights at all, and is
totally and literally in his master’s hands. He is devoid of any
social protection because he is without blood relations, he is more
submissive, servile and reliable than a son whose rights are at least
partly acknowledged by tradition. The slave can be used as an
assistant in raids or warfare.
The Indians of the north-western coast never adopted
their slaves. Why ? The reason is that these societies are not based
on lineage: a (free) man could move to his maternal uncle or his
father’s household, or be admitted in any other family. To free a
slave or to accept him as a family relation was to risk loosing a
Role and Function of Slavery in Primitive Societies (2) : Wealth
In primitive societies the division of labour is
weakly developed and production is hardly specialized; consequently
wealth is aimed at acquiring material goods through trade. It is meant
as a way to fill one’s obligations: reimbursing debts owed by blood
relations, paying fines resulting from both deliberate or
unintentional and religious or secular offences harming the honour or
the goods of a community member, and above all satisfying kin-based
duties. These include paying for indispensable marriage transactions (above
all for the price of the bride; by paying this price, the husband
would acquire (partial) rights over his spouse (over her offspring,
work, etc…). The similarities between these (partial) rights over
certain people (wives, children, etc…) acquired through payment and
slavery have been efficiently demonstrated by Kopytoff and Myers. In
African traditional law or according to the customs of many South-East
Asian societies, the sale of rights over people is a widespread
phenomenon: slavery is but an extreme form of this traditional
There is in addition a significant correlation
between societies practicing slavery and others where a price is to be
paid for securing a bride. The sociological consequence is the
reciprocal convertibility of wealth and dependence. Wealth enables the
acquisition of dependents and dependents render possible the provision
of wealth. Slavery only exists in societies where one also finds a
certain type of social wealth. It presupposes wealth but also prevents
its excessive growth by always allowing its conversion into a number
of dependents whose acquisition is a major objective of these
The convertibility of wealth and dependence is
complete, however, only when slavery as a consequence of debt
insolvency exists. The poor and debt-ridden indigent is at risk of
being cast into slavery. This is frequent in most West and Central
African societies, as well as in tribes of South-East Asia.
Slavery and Oriental Despotism
The first paradox, if one is to consider the Soviet
theory of “general slavery”, is the low number of slaves, their
unimportant function, the proven absence of any slave-based
production. An Egyptologist like B. Menu can successfully maintain
that there were no slaves in ancient Egypt. In China the measures
adopted by the Emperor Wang Mang (the prohibition of the sale of
slaves in 9 AD) would have led to the abolition pure and simple of
slavery, had it not been for the opposition and uproar caused by such
a decision. These instances are nevertheless proof of the will to
abolish slavery on the part of a political structure traditionally
described as despotic. Some nine centuries later Japan officially
abolished slavery after adopting most Chinese institutions, only to
restore it when central power declined, during the period known as
“feudal”. Yet the intentions of the Imperial regime were obvious, and
one must admit that this abolition was a decision taken by an
administration that was anything but liberal or democratic. The
Emperors of Japan are the offspring of the gods. Neither Rome nor
Athens, and for that sake none of their philosophers and thinkers,
ever thought of abolishing slavery.
The second paradox is that the slave is generally
protected against the master’s abuses, and the latter does not possess
the power of life and death over his servile dependent. A slave’s
status was far better in a despotic regime than in primitive societies
or ancient democracies.
In fact the above-mentioned paradoxes are
non-existent. An all-powerful ruler does not need any slaves. The
ordinary power that he exerts enables him to extort from his subjects
huge taxes and lengthy military duties. Yet much more can be added.
Slavery is not only useless to the despotic ruler, it also undermines
his power. We are speaking here of course of private slaves owned by
an empire’s elites and nobility (high officials, princes, rich
merchants, court favourites, etc…).The slave has only one master,
depends totally on him and will not serve another. He is not a subject
of the king, does not pay any taxes, nor does he carry out any
military duties. Hence a powerful man’s private slave can only serve
his master against the king. Wilbur has very convincingly demonstrated
these points. This is why it is in the ruler’s interest to abolish
slavery, to at least to limit this institution or to set himself up as
the protector of slaves against their masters, thus weakening the link
between them. It is once more slavery’s political function that
explains its inessential role in despotic states.